I wrote this for the foreword of gp96 gallery. As it might be replaced by new version of foreword in the future (I don't know when :-) ), I also put it here for online archive. Some of the content is similar to my other blog here.
Thanks for Ratna for some of the ideas...
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... old pictures are always pleasing to behold, for episodes portrayed by them could swing the pendulum of moment to the nearly forgotten hours. It doesn’t matter if those images start to fade away - eroded by the passing hours - the memories sheltered within your heart will help redrawing the lines, refresh it into a crystal vista as clear as it ever be. Those passions, those laughter, and those tears will emerge and embrace you, make you think that there’s no way those days had already passed you by.
Seeing things came and went - some events that went as planned, while other went astray; some promises that be said and done, while other will never come true - make you see that there’re lot of good times and bad times standing between you now and you then. It is amazing to see that the naïve, unseasoned you back there could past all the hardship to become the present you, sitting there right now. It was not the experience back there, but the hope and the spirit, and also the enheartening from those friends of yours, which help you through all the hurdles looming on your way. You don’t need to wonder where all of those hope and spirit had gone, for as you flip thru’ all those framed memories, you can still feel them scintillating through the layer of dust precipitated by the flowing days. Nor you need to wonder where all those friends had gone; they might not always have a glimpse of you in their mind, but be sure that you have a special place, right in the heart of their soul. Just don’t let the flame burn out, and when they flip thru’ these vision of memories just as you do right now, an image of a special friend will fill up their mind. An image of you...