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I was so busy in these past few weeks to prepare my master defense that I didn’t contact my friends from Hippo at all (the last time I met some of them was when I had new year party at my home-stay family’s place). Finally most of the works were done, and I casually sent mail to Akki (one of Hippo members) to say hi and tell her that I’ve done with my presentation. The mail developed into short chat (she wondered whether I was fine after hiking at mount Ooyama in January because the other members of hiking caught cold after returning) when she asked whether I fancied to have dinner at her place the following Sunday. Akki is a good chef and she likes experimenting with new dishes, so I didn’t waste much time to say yes, and my schedule for that day was fixed.
I was planning to call Pecolin (my home-stay mother) to tell her about the news too, but it seemed that I didn’t need to worry because she soon had heard about it.
“Congratulation!”, she said on the phone, and I quickly guessed that it was about my master defense. I was thinking that I needed to thank Akki for spreading the news (thus I didn’t need to bother to let everybody knew one by one and consequently saved my telephone bill :-) ), when Pecolin continued, “I’m glad that you will continue your doctoral course here.”
Doctoral course? Wait a sec, it seemed that something’s misplaced here. I quickly recalled whether I ever mentioned about doctoral course to Akki, and I’m sure I didn’t: so either my ear played trick on me, or the news that I told Akki was a little bit ‘modified’ :-) (By who, I didn’t know).
I quickly explained to Pecolin that I had passed my master thesis defense, but still didn’t know whether I will continue my doctoral course here or not (I even had not taken the entrance examination that time!). And even though I didn’t mind at all about the ‘customized’ news, I get a bit curious on who’s the one that ‘translated’ my news incorrectly. I was thinking to start the ‘investigation’ by calling Akki, but then I thought asking her at the dinner would be better (and would save my telephone bill again :-) ).
So, Sunday night came, and another surprise was waiting for me. When I get to Akki place, it was not only her, but Tomo-chan also there to help her prepared the dishes. Akki said that there would be some more to come, and therefore I asked whether there’s a special occasion that a lot of people would come to celebrate. And she playfully replied: “Well, I forgot to mention that tonight we will have a little party to celebrate your finishing of master’s defense!”
Well, I’m fine with that little secret, however, it reminded me about the gossip that had already spread so I asked Akki what did she told the others. What she said was a carbon copy of what I had told her (without the doctoral course part) so I thought the problem should be on the other ‘chain of communication’. And while waiting for the next ‘suspects’ to come, I helped them preparing the dishes.
Not long Yoshimi-san came with flower for me and congratulated me for finishing my master (well, she’s got it right, so she’s also free from all charges :-) ). Then along came Fujiko-san, who without much ado quickly congratulated me for finishing the test for doctoral course (well, now we know where the news changed... :-) ).
Anyway, like I had mentioned before, I didn’t mind at all about the ‘misinterpretation’. Fujiko-san didn’t mean to change the news, and by thinking that I had already passed my doctoral course test, it meant that she was wishing that I pass the test (and of course I’m glad to know that).
We had a good party that night, and Yoshimi-san even said that they will throw another party if I already settle with my doctoral course. When I asked what will happen in case I won’t continue my doctoral course here, she simply said: “We still can have a farewell party for you”.
Cool. Whatever waits ahead, there will still be a party to look forward to... :-)