The figurine in the middle is actually the figurine of Batgirl (it looks a lot like Batman, though...). I got it when I bought cocacola on my trip to Yamanashi prefecture. At the same time Ogata and Yanagita also bought cocacola, and (unfortunately) they also didn't get Batman (they got Joker and Bat-mobile), that I can't exchange the figurine with them (they know that I like Batman a lot...)
Picture upload by Hello
I think most of my friends have already known that I prefer Batman to Superman, but I think little of them know the reasons behind it. Because I had promised to write about it long time ago, I think I’m gonna write it now.
(Anyway, all that I write here are just my personal opinion - no offense for Superman fans out there...)
So, why do I prefer Batman to Superman?
One: Batman’s costume is cool, while Superman looks (in my opinion) completely like a buffoon. I’m not saying that red and blue combination resembles a hick, but I wish I never have to wear red underwear - moreover if I have to wear it outside my pants (I prefer Spiderman taste of costume on this one...)
Two: There’s still possibility that I can become Batman (although maybe only for one in a googol), while it’s already certain that I’m not Superman. I wasn’t from Krypton (if the planet even ever exists). I’m not faster than a speeding bullet, neither more powerful than a speeding locomotive, and I couldn’t leap tall buildings with a single bound. Unless my parents do it very successfully, I don’t reckon them to hide any spaceship wreck in our basement (one more thing: we don’t even have basement!), and so far I never bumped into girls called Lana and Lois. On the other hands, I still can build bat-cave, fill it with load of super-sophisticated equipment to fight crime, and ask someone to make the costume for me (or just buy a cheap one :-) )... and hey! I’m Batman! (um, actually all of this can only be made real with one extremely important condition: I must be very very very rich - but still possible then...)
Three (getting a little bit serious): Batman teaches us to stick on what we believe is right, and put effort to make it come true. Actually, Bruce Wayne could use all of his fortune to have a calm and peaceful life. Instead, he used some of it to become what he wants to be: Batman. I’m not trying to say that Clark Kent isn’t a good person here - he’s also a good one because he is using his gift (his superpower) for something good. What makes me prefer Bruce in this case is that Bruce doesn’t possess the gift like Clark, but still, he pulled together his effort to make his dream comes true. Not only limited on spending his wealth to get all of those advanced gears, in countless of time he had to put out the best of him to face perils that lied ahead while he’s wearing the costume.
Like Bruce, all of us have our own “Batman” to accomplish. And unfortunately, most of us are not “Clark”, who possesses the gift to make his way less tiring. However, it’s not a reason to just abandon our dream and choose a “safer” dream to be made real. If we really want our “Batman”, it’s never wrong to stand up and make a shot. It’s okay if in the end we fail to reach it, as long as we had already put our best effort on it. Like one of my friends told me before: aim for the moon, if you miss, you’ll be among the stars.
Well, I think I still need to put some more extra effort to fulfill what seems to be a dream for me right now. It might not be easy, but I still can try. Anyway, I’m not Superman, but at least I can still become Batman (if I’m very very very rich... :-) )
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