(There are lots of cats in my campus, and this is the picture of one of them (quite old picture, I took it with my cell phone) . Actually today I went around my campus to find a cat to be taken as the illustration of this writing, however, I can't find one - where the hell are they when we need them?)
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(“Rabbit” and “cat” in this writing refer to the pet that we had. Since there are lots of kinds of rabbit and cat and even each single rabbit and cat have their own characters, I don’t mean to tell that all rabbits and cats behave like ours)
When we were kids, my sister and I wanted to have dog as pet. However, our grandma didn’t like about the idea, and to make us forget about it, she bought us rabbits. Very cute, with those shiny eyes and bushy tail, those rabbits quickly charmed us, and we soon forgot about the idea of having dog.
However, our “hysteria" of having rabbits didn’t last long. After three weeks or so we’ve already got bored with them. Perhaps it was because they weren’t home pet, so we had to put them in their hutch at night and not bring them inside, leave alone to have them sleep in our bed - that’s why we didn’t fully feel that they were our pet. Moreover, even though we had already spent much time together with them, they still looked indifferent toward us. They weren’t coming when we called them (despite the fact that we also waved carrots in front of them :-) ), and even sometimes ran away when we get closer. It seems like the affection that we showed was fruitless.
About one year later, we had new pet in our house. Similarly shiny-eyed and bushy-tailed (longer, though…), this new cute little creature was cat (this time our grandma didn’t mind since she also likes cat). We didn’t bought her like we did with the rabbits, the cat just came one day in our house (at that time my father was eating fish in the veranda and I think the cat was "enchanted" by the smell :-) ). Anyway, in the next few minutes the cat already slept in my lap, and soon, the whole family also fell for her. We played with her almost everyday, and she even slept in our bed at night, where she lied on my or my sister’s knee’s bend (it was warm and felt good at the beginning, however, since my home town is a hot place and the heat from the cat quickly build up in our knee, we soon feel uncomfortable and move her some other place. Yet, when we’ve already slept again, usually the cat returned and rolled her body on our knee again, made us uncomfortable again, and the process repeated all night - no wonder we have a bad habit of sleeping... :-) )
Unlike the rabbits’ “hysteria”, this time we didn’t get bored with the cat. It’s not that we never got upset with her. My mother got mad at her because she used curtain to shone her claw (and ruined it as a result...), and I also once got really upset with her because she just jumped in my bed with mud all over her (I think she just fell into sanitary duct), lied on my knee and started to sleep, pretending nothing had happened. Anyway, there’s no relation without problems, and outside few troubles that she caused (well, it couldn’t be said few actually... :-) ), her presence really bring something new to our house, like she was just another member of the family.
And the more important thing, the cat can love us in return to our affection. Unlike rabbit that still looked uneasy after some times, the cat almost always come when we call (specially when we bring food in our hand :-) ), and often sleep in our lap when we watch tv up to late at night. The cat also seems to know when we were sad. Whenever we’re feeling blue, the cat often come to us, and we usually talked to her about our problem, pretending that she’s listening (may be she does listen...)
Well, by now most of you might have already guessed that I will told you to find a friend or lover that can love you back like the way our cat did.
Actually not.
You can still try that if you want to, but I think it would be hard to accomplish, since whether other people will pay back our affection or not is beyond our influence. What I actually wanna tell you is not to find a "cat", but to become a "cat". Pay back every single affection that you get, and it will make not only your days, but also others’ days more colorful. And not only wait for others to start, you can be the one who initiates by showing that you care. Even a smile can make a big difference - it can lift us up whenever we’re felling down and push away the sorrow that hanging in our heart.
Well, I think I ever told you that I often take my time strolling under the sakura rows in front of main building of my campus even when the blossoms already gone. May be it was not only the memory of the flowers that makes me feel good taking a walk there. There’re also some cats and "cats" (literally and figuratively) there, which fill the atmosphere with cozy felling, make it comfortable to linger there unwinding your cloudy mind...
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