Picture upload by Picasa
Ari, Ratna, and I had planned to gather old pictures of gp96 (alumni of Gas Petrochemical Engineering Department, class of 96 - where three of us belong) to be put on the net. While it is their job to gather the pictures (and they did their job well so far), it is my job to find suitable space on the net where we can put them on - and I’ve just found the place recently, which make it a real delay to our work (sorry!). Anyway, for the last couple of days we finally had most of the things ready and we could start our “long-awaited” project.
During uploading files, I deliberately took some times to look at those pictures again. Even though the scene looks as if it starts to fade away - eroded by the passing hours, the episodes portrayed inside those thin rectangular frames really bring me back to the moment. It is as if I find a time portal that makes the time turns counter-clockwise, and the old scenes reveal themselves all around me again.
Seeing things came and went - some events that went as planned, while other went astray; some promises that be said and done, while other will never come true (as the person you made the promise with had passed away); some of the friends that you think will stay with you till the end of time had left with no trace at all, while some “outsiders” had proven to stay beside you through your darkest hours - make me see that there’re lot of good times and bad times standing between me and me from the past. It is amazing to see that the naïve, unseasoned me could past all the hardship to become the present me, sitting here right now. It was not the experience back there, but the hope and spirit that help me went through all the hurdles looming on my way. And those hope and spirit can still be felt up to now, scintillating through the layer of dust from those old photographs.
I indeed can use that spirit again to light up my way through the maze of time I currently in. Like me in the past, it doesn’t matter what complication that shade my way ahead. As long as I could keep the hope alive inside, there’ll always be a way.
So, let the hope and spirit shine...