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My lab peers like to play volleyball on the ground just beside our building, specially on those fine afternoon after the seminar over (sometimes it turns to dodge ball, depend on our mood - if our “sadistic” level were high enough and we fell like to have other people as a target for ball throwing, we do dodge ball :-) ). The picture above is actually the picture of us playing (even though it just looks like some rascals trying to steal mangos from their neighbors’ yard). It was when Kawatoko saying that he will do a 天井サーバー(tenjou saabaa), literally means “ceiling serve”, a hanging serve that goes high as if it would touch the ceiling of the gym (from where it has got the name); unfortunately for him, the ball ended up on top of a tree, and he had to climb it to recover the ball. Since then we use the 天井サーバー term to call every ball that (unintendedly) ends up on top of the tree :-)
Then I just realize that language can evolve that easy in just a few minutes. And so can life...
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