(Picture from: http://drawings.love.ecards.free.fr/)
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Everything started one week ago. Carmela wanted to buy a digital camera so she asked me to show her the way around in Akihabara (electronic centre in Tokyo). Because two other friends of mine also wanted to go there for computer shopping, we then went in group.
On the way, we talk about all kind of things. I forget how did the conversation flowed, but finally Carmela asked me whether Makii (one of my lab members) has already had boyfriend or not. She was asking that because she wanted to do a matchmaking of her with one of her friends. And my reply at that time was more or less sounded like this: “You shouldn’t matchmake her with anyone because I like her too” :-).
(That was intended to be a joke. Makii is cute and funny, and I think I like her, but Yanagita once told me that she has already had boyfriend so the option is off).
I thought that the conversation would soon pass and would cause no problem at all, but I was wrong. The problem occurred on the following Thursday, the day of the thesis defense for bachelor students. Tan-san, who actually wanted badly to go back to China (he was going to get married soon), postponed his departure because our professor asked him to help Makii preparing her presentation (they have similar research theme). And after her presentation, to express her gratitude, Makii walked Tan-san to the building door (Tan-san went directly to the airport after the presentation). Carmela saw them going, and she asked Yanagita where they went.
“Tan-san is going back to China to get married”
And Carmela reaction was: “They are going to get married in China? Won’t Awan get upset about that?”
And, as predicted, the rumor spread widely even beyond my lab (so far I know that Saito and Konishi had heard that too, and even my professor knows, too). And because Carmela also moved her desk away from my side to a quite far place (she did this because in the new place she can watch movie in her computer with less disturbance :-) ), additional rumor said that she moved her place because she was angry to hear I like Makii :-).
Anyway, since all members of my lab seem not to take this rumor seriously (even Makii laughed when I told her about it), I think I don’t need to worry too much (honestly, I’m easily get worried about something like this). But at least if one day you ever hear about all of this, you know how this all started up...
(Perhaps I’m not recalling some of the details described above correctly, but more or less that’s how the story was flowing...)
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