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I’ve just arrived back from Vietnam yesterday, and today I had to take JLPT test. Despite I sleep all day after arrival (oversea recreation… oops, I mean conference, could drain up your energy, since there’re a lot of sessions to attend - as well as a lot of interesting place to see :-) ), I still could not wake up on time and had to run to catch my train, left me with no time for breakfast, left alone for preparing lunch (the test was scheduled until about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, so I needed to bring my lunch with me).
The first part of the test - Kanji and Vocabulary (漢字・語彙) - was close to catastrophe. Out of 20 opening questions, I could only answer 3 with a ‘slight’ confidence, and I even felt that I never seen some of the kanji in the test before (either the main usage of the kanji is merely to make dictionary thicker, or my trip to Vietnam had erased them from my memory :-) ). And to add up all troubles, I also almost fell from stair in the afternoon, and even though I successfully kept my balance, I sprained my ankle and it hurt to walk now, specially when I have to use stair (I hope it’ll be better tomorrow).
Anyway, despite some problems ‘greeted’ me today, there’re still several things that could cheer me up. When I check my mailbox on the way to test site, I found one small basket filled with cake there (Seada had put it the night before), so at least I can have it for my lunch. Furthermore, I met Dhita on the test site (we were taking the test at the same room), and she offered me to share her lunch. Thus, instead of skipping lunch like what I (unwillingly) planned before, I ended up having a proper lunch plus some dessert (we ate Seada’s cake as dessert :-) ). The merry lunch seemed to influence the progress of the test (at least the session after lunch, Reading and Grammar (読解・文法), was far more better than the first one, and the second session of Listening (聴解) wasn’t bad either). Even though the Kanji session seemed to had done enough damage that the two other sessions cannot make up, there’s still hope left that I will pass the test (with one condition: I have to be very lucky and most of my wildly guessed answers turn out to be right :-) ). Either way, the result of the test won’t make a big consequence to me (I think Panasonic won’t mind if I can’t pass it this time, furthermore after knowing that I went to Vietnam up to the day before the test :-) ).
To sum up the day, some of my friends help me out to otherwise a terrible day, and I think tomorrow I need to do the same to my other friends, to keep the cycle on...
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