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May be because it’s winter so either I need to hibernate (am I a bear? :-) ) or my pen’s ink got frozen, anyway, in these last few weeks I found that it hard for me to write again (not only for this blog, but also for my master thesis, and I’ll be in big trouble if I can find no way to get round it really soon...). That’s why today I grabbed my muffler, gloves, and warm cap, and then took Aurora for a walk (Aurora is the name of my bike, and her full name is Aurora Borealis. Why I chose so, because it’s my first bike in northern hemisphere, and you can only find Aurora Borealis in northern hemisphere - if you find it in southern hemisphere, it would be called Aurora Australis instead. Anyway enough for astronomy class now...). We headed nowhere in particular; I just want to find some new air to refresh my felling. When I took a roll in Nakahara-kaido, I saw this cat (you can see it in the picture above) lying casually on top of car.
I must admit that there’s nothing special with the cat, but it could make me laugh to see him posing there like the king of the world. It’s not the cat that made me laughed; it’s because of other thing. The mechanism was like this: I saw the cat, and I remember Ari once told me that cats think they’re Gods (and this cat might think so). That piece of memory opened up the lock of other memories, because Ari told that thing on the very night when Bonggo borrowed the car of a friend of a friend of a girlfriend of his friend, and what happened on that night filled up my mind. This particular memory that made me laughed then (I hope the explanation doesn’t confuse you... :-) ).
You might think that the way I thought and finally laughed was strange (or not, since sometimes you think the way I think... I don’t know); however, it’s no matter to me. It helped me change the air that surrounded me, and before I realize it, I found that my pen is not frozen anymore. Well, I better use it to write my thesis now, before it get frozen again... (anyway, Yanagida and Chou-san just visited my bench and quite impressed because they thought I was writing hard for my research - but then laughing when they saw that I was writing for this blog...)
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