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I was invited to the year end party at Ali and Kiki’s, and not long after arriving, Tita, who was also invited, told me that Kiki using her picture to decorate the toilet (?). I went there instantly, and found the wall inside being covered with lots of pictures (I also found my picture there). While Tita protesting to Kiki (not because her picture was there, but because “it won’t come out” for she’s too busy to look at all the picture while she’s inside :-) ), I think I could understand why Kiki doing that.
Even though I do “the thing that we do in toilet” fairly fast (I will call it “you know what” in the rest of this writing :-) ), my sister takes time to do it. That’s why she often brings book(s) with her inside the toilet, to kill time. Similar with my sister, Kiki decorated her toiler to help her spending the time required to do “you know what” (I also found some books there to support this 'hypothesis'). Since it seems that Tita used to do “you know what” fast, the picture seems to distract her ‘concentration’.
By the way, just curious: do you also decorate your toilet like the way Kiki did? :-)
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