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I think I don’t need to tell you that if you’re enjoying something, the time will flash by like the wind. Well, it’s true. It feels like just yesterday that I attending the entrance ceremony for my masters course, taking pictures in front of fountain in sakura namiki (the fountain had already gone now), and being anxious about what lies ahead in two-year time; and suddenly, graduation day had passed.
Well, I won’t write much here, and if I’m to sum up all the things that happened these past two years, the words is fun, and a lot more fun. Of course some troubles also got in the way, but with those around me who have special knack to lift me up when I’m feeling down, and also those who’re far but keep on sending me their prayers, there’s only fine memories that come up anytime I recall those days.
I’m glad that God had let me live my master years to the fullest, even beyond what I had expected before; and now as I enter a new chapter of my life, I hope there’re still plenty of blesses that I would find along my endeavor...
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