Well, the picture has no connection with this blog (as usual :-) ), but eating that indeed can help you forgetting something (for the time being...)
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Sorry if this time my writing is a little bit cryptic...
I was about to start my doctoral course when I took Nia’s offer to help in PIEF activities. And now that I found I’m getting busy in my lab (really? :-) ), it looks like PIEF will also claim some of my time soon. Anyway, I didn’t regret at all taking that decision. PIEF helps a lot of kids out there, and it’ll be great if I can help them, even only a bit. But most of all, it’s not others that I want to help by joining PIEF. It is more to me myself that I want to help. If I’m getting busy, may be I can try to get over someone... well, no, I don’t want to get over someone so special, it’s my feeling that I’m trying to forget. The feeling that I (might?) still want to keep, but I can feel that it starts consuming me, and bit by bit the parts of me are dying... (did I sound too poetic? :-) ).
Well, anyway, I just want to enshroud that feeling, and when eventually it comes to the time when it uncloaks itself again, I hope it already ‘the right time’ to let it blooms. Or if ‘the right time’ never comes, I hope it has already evolved that I can let it flow to someone else...
I’m just trying to be positive, and I really need to be positive. Like Yanagita often says that I’m an enthusiastic and positive type of person, I think it is time for me to live ‘that legend’, and not let it become just an empty reputation...
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