My mother used to make us birthday cake on our birthday, but ever since I went to university, I never had it anymore (because I never home on my birthday - and birthday with my friends always enough only with pizza). However, this year Seada made me one (my first in 10 years) and it really brought back the memories of old days...
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There was indeed something special that happened on my birthday this year, and some of my friends had asked me ‘to disclose’ it in details. I’d like to do that, however, for the sake of protecting the innocent (singular - without ‘s’ to be exact :-) ), with much regret I have to refuse the request :-). Yet, to indemnify the disgruntlement that it may cause, (Why do I sound so formal? Anyway all I want to say is: To make up if you’re feeling upset with me, ...) I’ll write something that happened on my other birthday (Lucky me, there’s almost always something unique or strange that happens on my birthday, which worth to remember).
It was in 2001. Ari had planned to celebrate Bonggo’s, Lisya’s, and my birthday at muara karang (MK) (additional fact: three of us were born on the same day, only differed by hours). I was planning to ask Irma too, but because I’m a very shy type of person (okay, I can hear you tripped off your chair and start to throw up, but I’m indeed a shy boy :-) ), and that we were still just friends at that time (so I didn’t know for sure whether she would be fancy to go or not), I put off asking her until the D-day. I also didn’t tell the others about my intention, and planned to tell them later when I had already got the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer (to be exact: I would only tell them if I got a ‘yes’ answer :-) ).
The MK plan was on the night, and I went to Irma’s place in the afternoon (she knew that it was my birthday and I had told her that I would come). To make it short, she gave me present and wished me a happy birthday. We then went out, originally for dining, but since it was too early to eat, we went to Gramedia (I think Ari would say “You two went dating in bookstore?” when he knew about it :-) ). The sky had turned deep grey by the time our stomachs screamed starving, and Irma said that it might be better to go back to her place and tried to find something to eat nearby. So, we went back.
It was not long when the drop of water started to fall, and soon it was raining cats and dogs. By the time we reached her place, it was almost impossible to get out without getting wet, even with an umbrella. It was then when the lady that owns the home that Irma rented came and said that she worried about the roof of the house. There was some problem with it before, and she worried that water had sipped inside the house through it. Irma went to her room (it was in the 2nd floor), and found that almost everything had turned wet.
We spent the next half an hour to clean the room. She said sorry countless of time and said that it was no fun way to spend a birthday. But anyway, it was fun for me. Well, at least because of that I came to know that she had a pokemon poster in her room (she picked the poster merely because she like the color) and that she had our picture on top of one short cupboard (that made me know that it wasn’t one way love back there :-) ).
Ari called not long after we finished cleaning the room, and I realized that I had not asked her about the MK plan at all. Thus, I told Ari to hold on a sec and quickly asked her. Like I had already said, I’m a very shy type of person (I hope you didn’t trip off this time :-) ), but I can asked her quickly that time without any hesitation. (I think that was because I had seen our picture in her room - it made the odds of having her saying ‘yes’ higher :-). Furthermore, the “pokemon effect” also had created a big impact. You can safely guess that someone is fun if she doesn’t mind having pikachu face hanging on her wall :-) ). To my delight (and as you may have guessed), she said that she’d like to, so the next moment I told Ari that I would bring someone with me. He said that ‘twas okay (but I think he hid his laughter that time :-) ), and asked where he could pick us up.
For the rest of the night everything seemed to go smooth for me and Irma (The rain had stopped, and at least we didn’t have to mop somebody’s room again that night :-) ), but unfortunately not with Bonggo. Because Ari’s car was not big enough to bring us all to MK, Bonggo was borrowing the car of a friend of a friend of a girlfriend of his friend (if my memory doesn’t fail me, that was the right order :-) ). Actually everything was going as planned, until he took a prohibited turn in order to save time, and as a result had a police car followed him. Being in state of panic (because he was not driving his own car and it would be very awkward if he had to tell the police that it was the car of a friend of a friend of a girlfriend of his friend that he was driven that night), he ran the car into Ancol (one of the amusement park complex in Jakarta), and luckily the police gave up the chase. Still, he then had to awkwardly respond to our question: ‘Why the hell should he go into Ancol?’
The trip was then going with no big incidence (unless if the fact that Ari (who’s driving with Lisya) mistook the highway could be categorized as incidence). We arrived at MK very late from schedule, but MK is even better if you come late, so we weren’t complaining at all. Furthermore, Bonggo said that with all the things that happen that night, all of us then have a nice story to be told to our kids and grandkids :-).
We returned almost morning (close to 4.30), and I quickly walked Irma to her home. She said that that night was really fun and that she glad she went with us. A little bit out of the story, we started going steady four months later, and even we’ve broken up now, I’ll follow Bonggo’s advice: I won’t cry because it’s over, but I’ll smile because it happened...
And I do smile every time I recall it...
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