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There were several moments in my life when I just let go everything and just followed where the destiny took me. I’m not saying that I gave up and quit the fight. I still kept on fighting, but I did it without any passion at all. I was just feeling empty at those times, and thinking that anything that might come surely would be enough for me. (And one of those let go’s landed me here in Japan. I’m not complaining at all, I’m more than happy that I can be here, and it’s not just a lip service...).
And recently the same kind of feeling came again. With about 6 months left, I was still undecided about where to go after finishing my master. I was thinking that I just do what I used to do: do everything properly, not more and not less, and just take anything that will come from it
Anyway, something that happened yesterday changed my vision a bit. One of my junior gave me a luck charm, and she also wished me the best for my doctoral study plan. Well, it was just a simple thing (and I also don’t believe in charm since my religion forbid it), but the fact that someone cared about my future more than me myself really got in me. I think I’ll change the way I think a bit and try to consider about what I’m gonna do more seriously. Well, I’m not trying to say that I’ve already got in my mind what I fancy to do after graduation; I am still undecided about it, but now I’ll try all the chances that I shall come across with all my passion. I’m not trying to say that I’ll only seriously think about the future; I’ll try to take every single chance to laugh and have fun, since it is pointless to do something if I couldn’t enjoy it.
And about the charm, I think I’ll keep it. It’s not that I believe about the power that it has. I’ll keep it because it will remind me that there’s someone around me (and I also believe there’re several others out there) that cares about my future more than I do, and it should help me be more grateful for all the gifts that God has blessed on me...
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